We made Desktop Mascot Engine and here's a giveaway
Desktop Mascot Engine is available on Steam for a long time now and it's getting better with every update.

We've been updating D.M.E. for over 5 months now and we're very proud of it. We recently pushed an AI chat feature powered by NMT Chatbot. We plan to improve it over time like we have improved the whole product so far.
It started with a Unity Asset that would put any 3D model on your Desktop. It's called Desktop Mascot Maker. But soon we had to make some major improvements as it was causing too much load on CPU and GPUs.
We ended up making the whole program all over to fix the issue with performance. Over the time we remade our UI, worked on AI chats which sometimes didn't render the results as expected.
We updated the software with a Steam Workshop tool for the users to create and add their own characters. Currently, the workshop tool supports 2D characters only and you can use Shimeji characters as you like.
We're currently working on a 3D workshop tool that will let users submit their 3D models to the workshop.
Not only this we have many more ideas we want to put together in the times to come like a community music player, friend interactions, community mini-games and some other stuff I cannot leak.
Leave in a comment with what you would love to see next in Desktop Mascot Engine to get your free Steam key. Don't forget to enter a valid email address when commenting because that's where I'll be emailing you the key.

We've been updating D.M.E. for over 5 months now and we're very proud of it. We recently pushed an AI chat feature powered by NMT Chatbot. We plan to improve it over time like we have improved the whole product so far.
It started with a Unity Asset that would put any 3D model on your Desktop. It's called Desktop Mascot Maker. But soon we had to make some major improvements as it was causing too much load on CPU and GPUs.
We ended up making the whole program all over to fix the issue with performance. Over the time we remade our UI, worked on AI chats which sometimes didn't render the results as expected.
We updated the software with a Steam Workshop tool for the users to create and add their own characters. Currently, the workshop tool supports 2D characters only and you can use Shimeji characters as you like.
We're currently working on a 3D workshop tool that will let users submit their 3D models to the workshop.
Not only this we have many more ideas we want to put together in the times to come like a community music player, friend interactions, community mini-games and some other stuff I cannot leak.
Leave in a comment with what you would love to see next in Desktop Mascot Engine to get your free Steam key. Don't forget to enter a valid email address when commenting because that's where I'll be emailing you the key.