How to start your own E-commerce Website [Simplified]

If you are into business, this is where you start from. An e-commerce website. By the end of this post you would have learned how you can create an online portal with little to no money i.e. for almost free or actually free where you can sell goods and items of your choice.
You can use this example for setting a a site selling physical products like t-shirts, grocery items, food products, services, and everything else.

Things you will need.

- A domain. (you can register one at, etc)
- Hosting (you can get free hosting for the time being from 000webhost)
- Product to sell (assuming we have got plain t-shirt and a t-shirt printer)
- Payment Gateway.
- Courier delivery service.

For starters lets over look the part of taxation and getting tin number for you shop and you can escape the excise police on the grounds that your site is fairly new and have little to no income. But just in case I do NOT promote fooling around with taxes and fraud of any kind.

Now the part of creating your first online e-commerce site.

Step 1: Install WordPress. Click here if you are using 000webhost.

Step.2: Once installed,you need WooCommerce Plugin. Install and activate. Detailed description of the WooCommerce plugin can be found on the plugin page here.

Step. 3: Get a decent WooCommerce theme to start with. I recommend going with StoreFront and besides that you can always find catchy themes at themeforest.

Step. 4: Now most of our part is done and you can enlist product using WooCommerce. What we need now is a a way to get the payment from the customers. For this we get a payment gateway.
For a payment gateway you can use PayUMoney, they charge a nominal fee with all transactions. Or you can go with Paypal merchant services which makes things fairly easy to execute.

Step. 5: Get in contact with a courier delivery service to start delivering your product.
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