I'm going to increase the visitors on my blog and here's how
Up until now, I've been blogging on what so ever I feel like writing. Turns out it's not a healthy habit for blogging. As I previously explained how following a niche helps your blog it also inversely affects it if a niche is not being followed. So I plan to fix that and by posting more content on a certain topic and let the define the niche of my blog.
I did my research and found that people(other bloggers) tend to interact more with posts that are SEO or blogging based. The reason is obvious to get better backlinks and traffic of the same niche.

I plan to do it by doing little research on similar web pages and mostly throw KWFinder.
For those who don't know, KWfinder is an easy way for researching keywords you can target for better search result placement.
KWfinder gives free five searches for a day.
Also, you can do keyword research using Google Adwords.
I did my research and found that people(other bloggers) tend to interact more with posts that are SEO or blogging based. The reason is obvious to get better backlinks and traffic of the same niche.

I plan to do it by doing little research on similar web pages and mostly throw KWFinder.
For those who don't know, KWfinder is an easy way for researching keywords you can target for better search result placement.
KWfinder gives free five searches for a day.
Also, you can do keyword research using Google Adwords.